Senin, 09 Juli 2018

Pasco Scientific | Dataloggers | Probeware | Experiment | Curriculum | Equipment | Lab Manual & Experiments |

Hookes Law & Energy Store in a Spring EX-5504A

Hub : 0815 7477 4384 | 0813 1562 8555

SB-9631B SE-8792 SE-8710 PS-2159
PS-2002 PS-2002 SE-8707 SE-8725
550 UI-550 850 UI-5001 850 UI-5001 850 UI-5001
WA-9316A ME-9847 ME-9827 EX-5501
UI-5401 EX-5503A EX-5519A PI-8127
EX-9952 PS-3600 PS-3601 TD-8565

Precision Digital Multimeter, Component Tester and Thermometer SB-9631B Pasco Scientific

DC Volts Ranges 200mV, 2000mV, 20V, 200V, 1000V
Resolution 0.1mV
Accuracy ± ( 0.5% rdg + 1 dgt )
Input impedance 10MΩ
Overload protection 1000VDC or 750VAC rms
600VDC/AC rms 15 seconds on 200mV range
AC Volts (50 Hz - 500 Hz) Ranges 200mV, 2000mV, 20V, 200V, 750V
Resolution 0.1mV
Accuracy ± ( 1.2% rdg + 5 dgts ) on 200mV to 20V ranges
± ( 2.0% rdg + 5 dgts ) on 200V, 750Vranges
Input impedance 10MΩ
Overload protection 1000VDC or 750VAC rms
600VDC/AC rms 15 seconds on 200mV range
Current Ranges 200uA, 2mA, 20mA, 200mA
Resolution 0.1uA
DC accuracy ± ( 1.0% rdg + 1 dgts )
AC accuracy ( 50Hz ~ 500Hz )
± ( 1.2% rdg + 4 dgts )
Input protection 0.25A/500V fast blow ceramic fuse
Resistance Ranges 200Ω, 2kΩ, 200kΩ, 20MΩ
Resolution 0.1Ω
Accuracy ± ( 1.0% rdg + 4 dgts ) on 200Ωto 200kΩranges
± ( 2.0% rdg + 4 dgts ) on 20MΩrange
Open circuit volts 0.3Vdc ( 3.0Vdc on 200Ω range )
Overload protection 500VDC or AC rms
Continuity Audible indication Less than 100Ω
Response time 100ms
Overload protection 500VDC or AC rms
Diode Test Test current Approx. 1.0mA
Accuracy ±( 1.5% rdg + 3 dgts )
Open circuit volts 3.0Vdc typical
Overload protection 500VDC or AC rms
Capacitance Ranges 200uF, 2mF, 20mF
Resolution 0.1uF
Accuracy ±( 4% rdg + 10 dgts )
Test frequency 21Hz
Test voltage <3.0V
Input protection 0.25A/500V fast blow ceramic fuse
Frequency ( Autoranging ) Range 10Hz to 40kHz
Resolution 1Hz
Accuracy ±( 0.1% rdg + 3 dgts )
Sensitivity 3.5V RMS min
Overload protection 500VDC or AC rms
Temperature Ranges -35℃ ~ 750℃, -30℉~ 1400℉
Resolution 0.1℃, 0.1℉
Accuracy ±( 1.0% rdg + 1℃ ) 0℃ ~ 400℃
±( 3.0% rdg + 3℃ ) -35℃ ~ 0℃, 400℃ ~ 750℃
±( 1.0% rdg + 2℉ ) -4℉ ~ 750℉
±( 3.0% rdg + 6℉ ) -30℉ ~ -4℉, 750℉ ~ 1400℉
Sensor type K-type thermocouple
Overload protection 60VDC or 30V AC rms
Display 3-1/2 digit LCD display, 17 mm high digits, polarity indication, low battery indication
Power Battery life 150 hours typical with carbon-zinc. ( battery included )
Test leads, temperature probe and battery are included.
Dimensions 165 mm ( H ) x 78 mm ( W ) x 42.5 mm ( D )
Weight Approx. 10.0 oz.( 285 g ) including holster
Measurement rate 2.5 times per second, nominal

Digital LCR Meter SE-8792 Pasco Scientific

Increase precision of experimental results by measuring in­duc­tance, ca­pac­i­tance and re­sis­tance accurately. Or quickly check dissipation factors for capacitors and 1/Q for inductors before labs to ensure com­po­nents are of good quality.
This light­weight, handheld digital multi-meter is easy to use and accurate. Test leads are included, along with a battery, a protective holster and a manual.
Accuracy 1% or better on most ranges
Easy to Use Push-button selection for all mea­sure­ments
Digital Display 4-1/2 digit backlit LCD
Built-in Tilt Stand For con­ve­nient tabletop use
Built-in RS232 with  Optional Windows compatible software
Inductance 2000.0 µH, 20.000 mH, 200.00 mH, 2000.0 mH, 20.000 H, 200.00 H, 20.000 H ( ± 0.7% rdg + Lx/10000 + digit )
Capacitance 2000.0 pF, 20.000 nF, 200.00 nF, 2000.0 nF, 20.000 µF, 200.00 µF, 2000.0 µF ( ± 0.7% rdg + 5 digit )
Resistance 20.000 ohm, 200.00 ohm, 2.0000 k ohm, 20.000 k ohm, 200.00 k ohm, 2.0000 M ohm, 20.000 M ohm ( ± 0.5% rdg + 8 digit )
Power 9 V alkaline battery ( included )
Accessories test leads ( 2 ), alligator clips ( 2 ), protective holder

Ohaus Cent O Gram Balance SE-8725

This Ohaus cent-o-gram mechanical balance has been a standard weighing instrument in student laboratories for decades. It's accurate, easy to use, durable and inexpensive.
Also available are the Ohaus Triple-beam Balance ( without tare - SE-8723 ) and the Ohaus Triple-beam Balance ( with tare - SE-8707 ).
Precision Ground Steel Knives For exact measurements and a long balance life.
Stainless Steel Weighing Pan Easy to clean, lasts indefinitely.
Magnetic Damping For quick, true measurements.
Ohaus Model # 311-00
Type Cent-o-Gram
Capacity 311 g
Capacity with additional mass set NA
Readability 0.01 g
Tare none

Ohaus Triple Beam Balance with Tare SE-8707

This Ohaus triple-beam mechanical balance ( with tare ) has been a standard weighing instrument in student laboratories for decades. It's accurate, easy to use, durable and inexpensive.
Also available are the Ohaus Triple-beam Balance ( without tare - SE-8723 ) and the Ohaus Cent-o-gram Balance ( SE-8725 ).
Precision Ground Steel Knives For exact measurements and a long balance life.
Stainless Steel Weighing Pan Easy to clean, lasts indefinitely.
Magnetic Damping For quick, true measurements.
Simple Zero-Adjustment Just zero the masses, then rotate the knob.
Ohaus Model # 760-00
Type Triple-Beam
Capacity 610 g
Capacity with additional mass set 2610 g
Readability 0.1 g
Tare 225 g

Atwood's Machine Experiment EX-5501 Pasco Scientific

In this experiment designed for use with PASCO Capstone software, students use a very low mass/low friction pulley and measure the changing velocity of the unbalanced mass system. They interpret the slope of the velocity graph as accelerations. They examine the effect of the rotational inertia of the pulley and estimate the friction forces based on experimental data.
Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
Newton's 2nd Law of Rotational Motion
Rotational Inertia
PASCO Advantage
The Super Pulley/Photogate System makes it easy for students to set up the apparatus and take data. Analysis includes accounting for friction and the rotational inertia of the pulley.
Photogate & Pulley System ( ME-6838A )
Mass and Hanger Set ( ME-8979 )
Universal Table Clamp ( ME-9376B )
Stainless Steel Rod, 60 cm Threaded ( ME-8977 )
Braided Physics String ( SE-8050 )
Multi-Clamp ( ME-9507 )

550 Universal Interface UI-5001 Pasco Scientific

2 High-Speed Analog Inputs Measurement Range ± 10 V differential input
Input Impedance 1 MΩ
Input Protection ± 250 V continuous
Selectable Voltage gain X1, X10, X100
2 Digital Inputs Digital sensors such as Photogates and Time-of-Flight plug directly into the 550 Interface
Compatible with all Science Workshop digital sensors
Sensor Connect Detection
0-5 V TTL
2 PASPORT Inputs Compatible with all of PASCO's complete line of more than 70 PASPORT sensors
Sample rates depend on sensors
Signal Generator Waveforms sine, triangle, square wave, positive and negative ramps, DC
Frequency range 0.001 to 100,000 Hz with 0.001 Hz resolution
Amplitude Range ± 8 V
Resolution 3.9 mV, 12-bit DAC
Max Output Current 400 mA at 8 V, over-current detection
Selectable Voltage Limit
Selectable DC Offset
Frequency Sweep Function
Measure output current, voltage

850 Universal Interface UI-5001 Pasco Scientific

Four Analog Ports For use with analog ScienceWorkshop sensors
Input impedance 1 MΩ
Input Protection ±250V continuous
Selectable Voltage Gain X1, X10, X100, X1000
Not for use with CI-6552A Power Amplifier
High Speed Sampling Measure voltages on two channels with sample rates of up to 10 MHz simultaneously or on three or four channels at up to 1 MHz simultaneously.
15 W Function Generator Waveforms: sine, triangle, square wave, positive and negative ramps, DC
Frequency Range 0.001 Hz to 100 kHz; 1 mHz resolution
Amplitude Range ±15 V
Resolution 7.3 mV, 12-bit DAC
Max Output Current 1 A at 15 V, over-current detection
Selectable Short-Circuit Current Limit 1.5 A, 1.1 A, 0.55 A
Selectable Voltage Limit
Selectable DC Offset
Frequency Sweep Function
Measure Output Current 61 μA at 10V
Dual Independent High Frequency Function Generators Independent control of frequency, waveform, and amplitude
Waveforms sine, triangle, square wave, positive and negative ramps, DC
Frequency Range 0.001 Hz to 500 kHz; 1 mHz resolution
Amplitude Range ±10 V
Resolution 2.5 mV, 12-bit DAC
Max Output Current 50 mA at 10 V
4 Photogate Ports Digital sensors such as Photogates and Time-of-Flight plug directly into the 850 without needing adapters
Compatible with all ScienceWorkshop digital sensors
Sensor Connect Detection
4 PASPORT Sensor Ports Compatible with PASCO's complete line of more than 70 PASPORT sensors
Sample rates depend on sensors
Sample rate of the ports can be greater than 1000 Hz
850 Power Adapter 20 VDC, 6 A
Computer Connection USB 2.0 ( 4890 Mbps )
External Trigger Input/Output BNC Jack
Synchronize multiple 850s
Signal direction controlled by software
3.3 V TTL, 510 Ω
ESD protection
External Module 44-pin Connector For connecting accessories ( available in the future ) to control and monitor a variety of new devices such as stepper motors and circuit boards
Access to the 3 Signal Generators
8 Additional Digital I/O Pins
3 Additional Analog Differential Inputs ( ±10 V )
High Speed PASPORT Channel for Self-Identification of Plug-In Modules
Power Sources +5 V at 500 mA, ±12 V at ±300 mA

Pasco Capstone Software UI-5401

Features Description
Ease of Use Photogate Timing Wizard, Sensor auto-ID, Drag and Drop Displays, Undo/Redo, Easily Resize Objects and more
Content Access Over 40 Complete physics experiments with free download files covering Mechanics, Oscillations, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Waves and Optics and Quantum Physics
Customizability Customize workspace, sampling conditions, and exclude/delete data points from analysis.
Video and images Sync sensor data to video, track an object and display data in a graph or table.
Student Journaling Students can take snapshots of their workspace pages, compare their results and save or print them
Smart Tables Insert a column in a table by simply clicking a button.  Insert a calculated column and create an equation directly in the table. Or input manually sampled or user created data quickly and easily.
Data Displays View data in graphs, meters, digits, data tables, and histograms
Oscilloscope Multi-trace oscilloscope with trigger can be scaled directly by dragging the axes
FFT Create FFTs with multiple measurements and then zoom in on the data to get more resolution
Curve Fits Includes 24 curve fits for both introductory and advanced physics topics
Analysis Tools Include visual statistics, transparent plots, scientific constants and units library, a powerful scientific calculator, area under a curve, delta tool, and data replay
Signal Generator Available when used with an interface with a function generator, such as the 550 or 850 Universal Interfaces
Interfaces Compatible with all current PASCO interfaces as well as discontinued USB interfaces such as the PowerLink and ScienceWorkshop 500 & 750
DataStudio users For longtime DataStudio users - you can open all your DS files in PASCO Capstone making the transition seamless.
System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements for PASCO Capstone
Windows 7 SP 1 or higher
Mac OS X 10.10 or later
Processor 2 GHz or faster ( only required for Video Analysis features )
RAM 2 GB or greater RAM
Resolution 1024 X 768 or greater
Disk Space Mac : 250 MB free Disk Space ( Application Bundle )
Windows: 575 MB Free Disk Space ( 500 MB for Capstone plus 75 MB for Common Files Folders )
USB At least one free port and/or Bluetooth® capability
Bluetooth Classic Bluetooth capability if using PASCO Bluetooth classic devices
Bluetooth Smart See Wireless Product Compatibility if using PASCO Bluetooth Smart devices

Pasport Digital Adapter PS2159 Pasco Scientific

The Digital Adapter allows ScienceWorkshop analog sensors to be connected and used with PASPORT interfaces.
Features Two 1/4" ports
Counting, timing, even motion or rotation can be measured seamlessly using the Digital Adapter and our wide variety of TTL compatible instruments. Both 1/4" ports automatically sense a connection and initiate pre-configured or user-defined options.
Typical Applications
Velocity of carts on a track
Projectile motion
Nuclear Radiation
Counting and Timing Devices 2 µ sec. resolution
Motion Sensors 1 µ sec. resolution
Input two 1/4 “ stereo phone jacks

Digital Calipers SE-8710 Pasco Scientific

This metric/Imperial digital caliper ( 15 cm or 6 inch ) measures to the nearest 0.01 mm ( 0.0005 inch ). It features automatic power down and it includes a sturdy, protective plastic case.

Variable-g Pendulum Experiment EX-5519A Pasco Scientific

This experiment designed for use with PASCO Capstone software explores the dependence of the period of a simple pendulum on the acceleration due to gravity and on the length and amplitude of the pendulum.
A simple rigid pendulum consists of a 35 cm long lightweight ( 28 g ) aluminum tube with a 150 g mass at the end, mounted on a Rotary Motion Sensor. The pendulum is constrained to oscillate in a plane tilted at an angle from the vertical. This effectively reduces the acceleration due to gravity because the restoring force is decreased.
The period of the pendulum is measured using a Rotary Motion Sensor and the period function in PASCO Capstone.
PASCO Advantage
The rigid pendulum can be assumed to be a simple pendulum: The actual period is approximatley 99% of the period of a simple pendulum of the same length.
Large Rod Base ( ME-8735 )
45 cm Stainless Steel Rod ( ME-8736 )
Angle Indicator ( ME-9495A )
Adjustable Angle Clamp ( ME-8744 )
Pendulum Accessory ( ME-8969 )
PASPORT Rotary Motion Sensor ( PS-2120A )

Newtons Laws Experiment EX-5503A Pasco Scientific

In this experiment designed for use with PASCO Capstone software, students use this collection of equipment to discover or experimentally determine the first of Newton's Laws.
Newton's First Law Students examine an object's motion to see if it changes when forces are applied or not.
Newton's Second Law Students use the Smart Cart to discover the relationships between force, mass and acceleration
Newton's Third Law Using the force sensors from two Smart Carts, students prove that forces between objects are equal in magnitude yet opposite in direction. These experiments include both tug-of-war exercises and collisions between cars.
PASCO Advantage
The Smart Cart has all the sensors required, making setup very quick and easy. The integration between the probeware and equipment helps students focus on the physics of each experiment.
Bluetooth 4 Connectivity
Required Software
PASCO products that use Bluetooth® 4 technology - wireless sensors, smart carts, and the AirLink Interface - require the latest versions of our software. PASCO Capstone 1.11.1 is available for Mac and Windows. SPARKvue 3.2.1 is available for Mac, Windows, iOS, Android and Chromebooks.
Compatibility/System requirements
Any current model Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android tablet or Android phone will support direct connection to PASCO Bluetooth 4 devices. Also, any Windows 10 device w/ Creators Edition 1703 or later will support direct connection.
All other windows computers/tablets, all Chromebooks and older Macs currently require the PS-3500 USB Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter to connect to PASCO’s Bluetooth 4 devices.
Full compatibility details are available, including compatibility information for older computing devices.
Smart Cart ( Red ) ( ME-1240 )
Smart Cart ( Blue ) ( ME-1241 )
PAScar Cart Mass ( set of 2 ) ( ME-6757A )
Dynamics Track Feet ( Pair ) ( ME-8972 )
Mass and Hanger Set ( ME-8979 )
Elastic Bumper ( ME-8998 )
Super Pulley with Clamp ( ME-9448B )
1.2 m Aluminum Dynamics Track ( ME-9493 )
Friction Block -- IDS ( ME-9807 )
Braided Physics String ( SE-8050 )

Hookes Law Set ME-9827 Pasco Scientific

The Hooke's Law Set allows students to investigate the relationship between the force applied to a spring and the amount of stretch on the spring. This rugged set features a heavy base which allows the stretching of springs without toppling the unit. The transparent scale adjusts vertically to align zero with the brightly colored stretch indicator.
Stand with heavy base
Transparent scale with mm resolution
Horizontal support for spring
Brightly colored stretch indicator
Three springs with identical diameter and length, but different spring constants
Three of each spring included, for a total of nine springs: spring constants are 5 N/m, 8N/m, 70 N/m.
Stretch Indicator fluorescent disc 6.6 cm diameter acrylic
Spring 5 N/m length ( with hooks ) = 6.4 cm diameter = 0.71 cm Spring constant = 5 N/m
Spring 8 N/m length ( with hooks ) = 6.4 cm diameter = 0.71 cm spring constant = 8 N/m
Spring 70 N/m length ( with hooks ) = 6.4 cm diameter = 0.71 cm spring constant = 70 N/m
Rod Stand semi-steel length = 29.2 cm diameter = 0.64 cm
Mass Hanger mass = 5 g
Base Support 11.4 x 7.6 x 0.6 cm

Mechanical Waves Experiment EX-9952 Pasco Scientific

Standing waves in strings and air columns are studied. Using a sine wave generator to drive a string vibrator, the driving frequency, the length, density, and tension of the string are varied to explore standing waves in strings and to determine the speed of the wave. For the sound waves in the air column, a speaker is used to drive a resonance tube. The driving frequency and the length of the tube are varied for both open and closed tubes. The relationship between resonant frequency modes and tube length is determined for closed versus open tubes.
PASCO Advantage
The frequency of the vibration of the string is not limited to the line frequency so the frequency can be varied, as well as the length and the tension.
String Vibrator ( WA-9857A )
Sine Wave Generator ( WA-9867 )
Open Speaker ( WA-9900 )
Economy Resonance Tube ( WA-9495 )
Elastic Wave Cord ( SE-9409 )
Braided Physics String ( SE-8050 )
Yellow Braided Cord ( 699-067 )
Mass and Hanger Set ( ME-8979 )
Universal Table Clamp ( ME-9376B ) ( 2 )
Adjustable Angle Clamp ( ME-8744 )
Super Pulley ( ME-9450A )
Pulley Mounting Rod ( SA-9242 )
45 cm Stainless Steel Rod ( ME-8736 ) ( 2 )
Banana Plug Cord-Red ( 5 Pack ) ( SE-9750 )
Waves Experiment Manual

Data Logger Xplorer GLX - PS-2002 Pasco Scientific

For over a decade the Xplorer GLX datalogger has been used in thousands of science classrooms around the world. But its long and successful run is coming to an end. The GLX is scheduled to be discontinued and a limited quantity of them remain. 
Large backlit LCD -- visible in both sunlight and low light
Stand-Alone or Computer Interface
4 universal sensor ports -- use with over 60 PASPORT sensors
4 built-in sensors ( 2 temperature, sound, voltage )
Collect Data in the Classroom or the Field
Graphs, tables, digits, and meter displays
Built for Science Measurement
Large 320 x 240 backlit transflective LCD grayscale display. Readable in a dark room as well as sunlight.
8 sensor ports total--4 dedicated for included sensors and 4 open ports.
Includes 2 temperature, sound and voltage sensors.
12 MB Internal Memory - Useful for high data collection rates and storing multiple data files.
Real-time graphing and calculations from Floating Point Processor--even instant calculations on live data as it is collected
Built-in graphing calculator with expression editor.
Built-in dual independent function generators.
Built-in speaker for sound output.
Display 320 x 240 backlit transflective LCD grayscale displays
Sensor Ports 8 Total, including built-in Sound Sensor, Voltage Sensor, and Temperature Sensors ( 2 ).
4 dedicated: Sound, Voltage and 2 Temperature
4 open--connect any PASPORT Sensor
Maximum Sampling Rate 50,000 Hz
Calculation Engine 50 MHz FPU: Real-time graphing and instant calculations from Floating Point Processor.
Memory 12 MB of built-in flash memory
Sensor Compatability All PASPORT Sensors
All ScienceWorkshop Sensors using PASPORT Analog and Digital Adapters
Battery Rechargeable 1700 mAH NiMH battery
USB 2 USB built-in ports

Basic Current Balance  SF-8607 Pasco Scientific

A current-carrying wire in a magnetic field experiences a counter-intuitive force that is transverse to both the wire and to the direction of the magnetic field. With the Basic Current Balance, students can perform quantitative investigations into the interaction between a current-carrying wire and a magnetic field. Vary the wire length, the current, and the magnetic field, and then measure the resulting force.
Add the Current Balance Accessory Kit, and students can also determine how the angle between the wire and the magnetic field affects the force. With this addition, all the relevant variables can be analyzed.
One to six magnets are mounted on an iron yoke, which is placed on a gram balance. A conductor is suspended between the magnets. The weight of the magnets and yoke is measured, then a current ( 0-5 A ) is passed through the conductor. The change in the reading of the balance ( 0-4 grams ) measures the force between the conductor and the magnetic field.
Six conductors of different lengths are provided and can be easily changed while maintaining a repeatable position with respect to the magnetic field. The magnetic field is proportional to the number of magnets used.
Typical Experiments
1. Force versus Current
2. Force versus Length of Wire
3. Force versus Magnetic Field
4. Force versus Angle ( Current Balance Accessory Kit needed )
Special Features
Measure Force vs. Current, Wire Length, Magnetic Field and Angle
Use a Gram Balance to Measure Force
Iron Yoke ( holds magnets )
Removable Magnets ( 6 )
Six Conductors ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 cm in length )
Mount ( for holding/positioning conductors )
Six conductors of different lengths are provided and can be easily changed while main­tain­ing a repeatable position with respect to the magnetic field. The mag­net­ic field is pro­por­tion­al to the number of magnets used.

Data Logger Xplorer GLX - PS-2002 Pasco Scientific

For over a decade the Xplorer GLX datalogger has been used in thousands of science classrooms around the world. But its long and successful run is coming to an end. The GLX is scheduled to be discontinued and a limited quantity of them remain. 
Large backlit LCD -- visible in both sunlight and low light
Stand-Alone or Computer Interface
4 universal sensor ports -- use with over 60 PASPORT sensors
4 built-in sensors ( 2 temperature, sound, voltage )
Collect Data in the Classroom or the Field
Graphs, tables, digits, and meter displays
The world's first graphing logger for science that truly stands alone . . . the Xplorer GLX captures, analyzes, annotates, stores and prints data quickly and seamlessly, without being connected to a computer. A science lab wherever you need it. Also, connect to a computer and unleash the full power of the new PASCO Capstone software.
Built for Science Measurement
Large 320 x 240 backlit transflective LCD grayscale display. Readable in a dark room as well as sunlight.
8 sensor ports total--4 dedicated for included sensors and 4 open ports.
Includes 2 temperature, sound and voltage sensors.
12 MB Internal Memory - Useful for high data collection rates and storing multiple data files.
Real-time graphing and calculations from Floating Point Processor--even instant calculations on live data as it is collected
Built-in graphing calculator with expression editor.
Built-in dual independent function generators.
Built-in speaker for sound output.
Display 320 x 240 backlit transflective LCD grayscale displays
Sensor Ports 8 Total, including built-in Sound Sensor, Voltage Sensor, and Temperature Sensors ( 2 ).
4 dedicated: Sound, Voltage and 2 Temperature
4 open--connect any PASPORT Sensor
Maximum Sampling Rate 50,000 Hz
Calculation Engine 50 MHz FPU: Real-time graphing and instant calculations from Floating Point Processor.
Memory 12 MB of built-in flash memory
Sensor Compatability All PASPORT Sensors
All ScienceWorkshop Sensors using PASPORT Analog and Digital Adapters
Battery Rechargeable 1700 mAH NiMH battery
USB 2 USB built-in ports

SPARK LXi Datalogger - PS-3600 Pasco Scientific

PASCO's Next Gen Datalogger
The new SPARK dataloggers blend PASCO probeware with SPARKvue data collection and analysis software pluse our new lab management application: Lab Manager
Designed for use with wired and wireless sensors, the SPARK LXi can simultaneously accomodate up to five wireless sensors. It also includes two ports for any of the more than 80 blue PASPORT sensors, plus two ports for the included Fast Response Temp Probe and Voltage Probe.
The SPARK LXi can also connect wirelessly to the powerful 550 Universal Interface for advanced physics applications.
Special Features
9.6" full color capacitive touchscreen ( 1200 x 800 pixels )
1.2 GHz quad-core processor
1.5 GB Ram, 16 GB memory
Pre-loaded software
Lab Manager classroom management application
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB connections
Can export data to third-party apps
Suitable for wet and dry labs
Operates online or offline
Built-in cameras ( front and back ), accelerometer, microphone, speaker and GPS
SPARK LXi Datalogger
Fast Response Temperature Probe
Voltage Probe
Power adapter
With Lab Manager on the new SPARK dataloggers, PASCO delivers a new lab management experience. With it teachers have visibility and control over student lab devices, which ensures greater efficiency and student engagement.
With Lab Manager teachers can :
Monitor student screens ( even lock screens to get students' attention )
Broadcast teacher or student screens to all student devices
Control student devices for guidance or cooperative work
Quiz students and view responses in real time.
Message all student devices
Easily send and collect any file to and from student devices
PASCO software :
Lab Manager ( available exclusively on the SPARK LX and SPARK LXi dataloggers )
Other software :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Scientific Calculator
Periodic Table
Google Science Journal

SPARK LXi Datalogger PS-3601 Pasco Scientific

PASCO's Next Gen Datalogger
The new SPARK dataloggers blend PASCO probeware with SPARKvue data collection and analysis software pluse our new lab management application: Lab Manager
Designed for used with PASCO Wireless sensors, the SPARK LX can simultaneously connect up to 5 wireless sensors.
The SPARK LX can also connect to any of the more than 80 PASPORT sensors via a wireless PASPORT interface such as an AirLink, SPARKlink Air, or 550 Universal Interface.
Special Features
9.6" full color capacitive touchscreen ( 1200 x 800 pixels )
1.2 GHz quad-core processor
1.5 GB Ram, 16 GB memory
Pre-loaded software
Lab Manager classroom management application
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB connections
Can export data to third-party apps
Suitable for wet and dry labs
Operates online or offline
Built-in cameras ( front and back ), accelerometer, microphone, speaker and GPS
SPARK LX datalogger
Power adapter
Lab Manager
With Lab Manager on the new SPARK dataloggers, PASCO delivers a new lab management experience. With it teachers have visibility and control over student lab devices, which ensures greater efficiency and student engagement.
With Lab Manager teachers can :
Monitor student screens ( even lock screens to get students' attention )
Broadcast teacher or student screens to all student devices
Control student devices for guidance or cooperative work
Quiz students and view responses in real time.
Message all student devices
Easily send and collect any file to and from student devices
PASCO software :
Lab Manager ( available exclusively on the SPARK LX and SPARK LXi dataloggers )
Other software :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Scientific Calculator
Periodic Table
Google Science Journal

Function Generator - PI-8127

The Function Generator outputs sine, square, triangle, positive and negative ramps with a frequency range of 0.001 Hz to 150 kHz in addition to DC.  ( A replacement for the PI-9587C )
Its powerful output, 1 Amp at ±10 Volts, makes it useful for driving speakers, string vibrators, and circuits.
LCD Readout The LCD displays frequency, voltage, current, waveform, and menus. For viewing demonstrations, there is a Large Digits Mode for increased readability of the frequency.The backlight has two levels, low and high, selectable using the menu. The low backlight isusefulin dark rooms.
Frequency/Range Selection There are two ranges, 0.001 to 100 Hzand 0.001 to 100 kHz, selected using the range push-button switch ( integrated with frequency knob ).
Output Standby Pushing the standby button disables the output without changing settings.
Output Current/Voltage Maximum The maximum current or maximum voltage can be set using the menu. This is useful when the instructor needs to limit the voltage applied in a light bulb.
Offset Voltage Any waveform may be offset with a DC voltage ranging from -10 V to +10 V, provided the peak voltage does not exceed 10 V.
Frequency Sweep Sweep between any two frequencies at a selectable rate.
Available Waveforms
Positive Ramp
Negative Ramp
Input Power Source 15 V @ 1.6 amp AC/DC Adapter
Voltage Output ± 10 V @ 1 A, 5 mV Adjustment Resolution
Frequency Range DC to 150 kHz with two ranges: 0.001 Hz to 999.999 Hz 0.001 kHz to 100 kHz ( 150 kHz for Sine Wave )
Frequency Resolution 0.001 Hz for the 0.001 to 100 Hz range;1 Hz for the 0.001 kHz to 100 kHz range.
Maximum Current/Voltage Programmable
Offset Voltage ± 10 V, 5 mV Resolution
Waveforms Sine, Triangle, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, DC
External Voltage Input Use the function generator to amplify an external source ( ± 10 V maximum )
Trigger Output TTL Compatible; BNC jack on back of unit
Display LCD Graphics Monochrome Display, 128 x 64, with Two-Level Backlight
Displays Frequency, Waveform, Voltage, Current, Root mean Square ( RMS ) Current, Offset Voltage, Maximum Current/Voltage ( Not all simultaneously )
Special Display Mode Large digits for frequency
Amplitude Modulation Modulate the signal of one function generator using another
Frequency Sweep Generate a signalto sweep through start/end frequency, select sweep time, and auto-repeat the sweep
Programmable Current Limit Set the maximum current to limit the current output
USB Connection for software updates Download latest software from and install throughthe USB connection

Advanced Microwave Optics System WA-9316A

The Microwave Optics Advantage
To a beginning student, the relationship be­tween a simple wave on a string and the complicated interactions of optics can be hard to grasp. PASCO's answer is microwave optics. There are advantages to studying optical phenomena at microwave frequencies. Using a 3-cm microwave wavelength radically changes the scale of the experiment. Microns become centimeters and variables obscured by the small scale of traditional optics experiments are easily seen and manipulated. PASCO's Microwave Optics System takes full advantage of these large-scale benefits. The large wavelength makes it easy to understand and visualize electromagnetic wave inter-actions. Interference and diffraction slits are several centimeters wide, and polarizers are slotted sheets of Stainless Steel.
Optics and Waves
Most traditional optics experiments can be performed with this Microwave Optics System: from determining the laws of reflection and refraction to investigating polarization effects to examining the phenomena of diffraction and double-slit interference. Basic wave experiments can also be performed. Students can investigate standing waves be­tween two reflectors, locating nodes and antinodes. Combining these experiments can establish a clear parallel between electromagnetic wave interactions and mechanical wave theory.
Features :
Diffraction Slit Hardware -- Spacers and holders for performing interference experiments.
Ethafoam® Prism with Styrene Pellets -- Used for refraction of microwaves. The index of refraction of styrene is determined.
Rotating Mounts -- The transmitter and receiver rotate through a full 360° ( an important feature for polarization experiments ).
Gunn Diode Transmitter -- A stable, low-voltage source of linearly polarized microwaves ( 10.5 GHz; 15 mW ).
18 cm High Mounts -- Minimize tabletop reflections for improved accuracy.
Receiver with a Built-in Amplifier -- Variable sensitivity ensures clear data, even for low-intensity measurements ( Bragg diffraction and Brewster's angle ).
Long-Arm Goniometer -- For easy setup and alignment. The built-in degree and millimeter scales ensure accurate measurements.
Magnetic Mounting -- All components mount magnetically. Setup is quick and accurate.
Durable Construction -- Parts are made of stainless steel or die-cast aluminum.
Description Microwave Optics :Basic System Advanced Microwave Optics System Microwave Accessory Package
WA-9314C WA-9316A WA-9315
Gunn Diode Transmitter with mounting stand
Receiver with built-in amplifier and mounting stand
Goniometer with fixed and rotatable arms and degree scale
Fixed-arm assembly for interferometer experiments
Component holders: two standard, one rotating
Rotating table
Reflectors : two full reflectors ( metal ), two partial reflectors ( wood )
Polarizers ( two )
Diffraction slit hardware ( holders and spacers )
Prism ( Ethafoam ) with styrene pellets
AC adapter
Laboratory manual with 12 ready-to-use experiments
An explanation of the physical principles with all relevant equations
Illustrations for easy setup
Step-by-step instructions
Questions and data tables in a worksheet format
Teacher's guide with answers and typical results
Simulated Crystal Lattice
Polyethylene Panel

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